Independent. Regional. Publishing.
Based in Asheville, North Carolina, Loblolly Press is an independent publisher dedicated to amplifying voices from across the American South. We focus on contemporary poetry, short fiction, and novels that reflect the unique experiences of the region. Contributors so far hail from NC, SC, VA, TN, WV, AR, KY, and Washington, D.C.
Get to know Loblolly Press
Our goal is to publish writers with a distinctly Southern voice from communities and experiences not always represented in traditional publishing. We're striving to create a community of writers and readers who feel deeply connected to the work we publish because they can see themselves represented within it.
About the Editor
Andrew Mack is the Founder and Managing Editor of Loblolly Press. His commitment to fostering emerging writers particularly those from marginalized or underrepresented communities drives Loblolly Press's mission to showcase contemporary poetry, short fiction, and novels with a distinctly Southern voice. Andrew has published two collections of his own poetry, Weekend Revival and What the River Was. He lives in Asheville, NC with his partner.